How to Get Involved

Get Involved

Here's How:

  1. Attend Silverton Housing Authority Meetings!
    1. To make a public comment: Attend in-person at Silverton Town Hall, 1360 Greene Street or via Zoom.
    2. To stay in the loop - watch on YouTube on the Town of Silverton channel either live or afterwards. 
  2. Sign up for the SHA Email List to receive meeting notifications & packets and newsletters from SHA. 
    1. Sign up for the SHA Email List
  3. Email the SHA Board with comments, questions, or concerns.
    1. Email SHA Board
  4. Watch the Calendar for meetings and events. 
  5. Meet with SHA Director, Anne Chase.
    1. Email, call or text to schedule an appointment - (970) 880-0278.
December 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday