Anvil Townhomes

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Silverton Housing Authority will submit an application to the Colorado Division of Housing (DOH). The purpose of this application is to request $616,000 to develop 9 units for purchase at 645 W 5th Street, 655 W 5th Street, and 701 Martha Rose Street. The request of funding from DOH is to benefit persons with low and moderate incomes by increasing the availability of affordable housing in Silverton.

All interested persons are encouraged to contact the Silverton Housing Authority for further information. Written comments should be sent to PO 250, Silverton, CO 81433 or achase@silverton.co.us and will be forwarded to DOH for consideration during the application process.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a PUBLIC MEETING will be held on November 12th, 2024 at 5:30pm at the Town Hall, 1360 Greene Street, Silverton CO for the proposed DOH funding application. If reasonable accommodations are needed for persons attending the public meeting, please contact the Silverton Housing Authority at achase@silverton.co.us. Community members can attend the meeting in person or participate on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88637487127 or by telephone: Dial 669-900-6833 and enter Webinar ID 886 3748 7127 when prompted.

Text: Project overview of the Anvil Townhomes. 8 deed restricted units in 2 quad-plexes

Project History
  1. Request for Proposals Published 3/12/2024 - 4/16/2024.
  2. Proposal Review and Award during 6/10/2024 SHA Meeting.
  3. Signed Predevelopment Agreement with Tributary Development / Fading West Development.
  4. San Juan County conveyed land to SHA 8/28/2024.
  5. Currently: Applying for funding to subsidize project. 


Read Fading West Development's Proposal.

Aerial view of the Anvil Townhome Site Plan. The left side of Martha Rose has 4 units with 4 parking spaces facing. The right side of martha rose street has 4 units and 4 parking spaces. Behind those units is a single family home fronting 5th street. The rendering includes sidewalks and trees.
Anvil Subdivision Lots 16 (right) and Lot 17 (left) are proposed for the project. San Juan County conveyed property to SHA on 8/28/2024.

Anvil Mountain Subdivision has a deed restriction with the Colorado Division of Housing which requires that 60% of the units are under 125% AMI (Area Median Income) and 60% of those under 80% AMI.

The following is the proposed Unit mix: 3 two-bedroom units will at 80% AMI Sale price. 2 three-bedroom units at 100%  and 3 two-bedroom units at 100%. One unit will be 140% AMI.

Project Overview - Presentation Slides